Our clients are professional companies looking to receive prominent administrative support, enhance profits, elevate productivity & quality of service.

Tsalco can help in many ways..

  • Your Practice faces insufficiencies and high costs in managing back-office tasks

  • Your existing processes lack the comprehensive support needed for seamless operations

  • Your goal is to streamline and optimize administrative functions

Who We Serve

At Tsalco, we focus on serving individuals and companies with a focus on healthcare, mental health, forensic, legal, financial, language services, and consulting. Our clients include licensed professionals such as:

  • Doctors

  • Mental Health professionals

  • Social Workers

  • Therapists

  • Counselors

  • Lawyers

  • Accountants

  • Interpreters

  • Consultants who operate their own practices


Busy professionals who value their time and prioritize client care over administrative and operational tasks. They are looking for a reliable partner to handle back-office functions efficiently.


Practitioners who understand the importance of streamlined operations and seek to outsource non-core activities to focus on their core competencies. They are likely to be loyal to services providers that offer comprehensive solutions to alleviate their administrative burdens.


Professionals who prioritize client satisfaction and are willing to invest in services that enhance their practice’s efficiency and effectiveness. They value partnerships that allow them to deliver high-quality services without being bogged down by administrative complexities.