Practice Management with MSO

Practice Management: Should You Use MSO?

You became a practitioner to help your clients, not run a business. If you're struggling with any of the operational aspects of running your practice, a management service organization may be able to help.

What is a management service organization, and how can they help your primary care practice? Let's talk about it.

What Is a Management Service Organization?

A management service organization (MSO/) is a company that handles all of the administrative aspects of a private practice. They can help with just one or two things, like billing and payroll. Or, they can manage every aspect of your practice.
An MSO allows you to focus your time and energy on your patients and clients You no longer have to worry about the day-to-day operations of running your practice like a business.

Not only can an MSO help you save time, but they can help you save money, too. Since they work with multiple health practices, they can get lower rates on things like supplies by bulk ordering.
You may find that one MSO can handle all your needs. Or, you may decide to contract with different MSOs to manage different needs.

What Are the Benefits of a Management Service Organization?

Management service organizations have a wide variety of potential benefits and offer many services, including:

  • Best pricing on supplies and services

  • Financial management

  • Operational issues

  • Managing or providing office space

  • Managing the front desk

  • Quicker updates to technology and infrastructure

  • Contract management and credentialing

  • Staff training and education

  • Improved efficiency

  • Personnel and human resources management

  • Billing, coding, and collections

  • Manage IT services

  • Build long-term financial assets

  • Regulatory compliance oversight and management

  • Better supply chain

  • Improved patient registration

Before You Sign a Contract with a Management Service Organization...

If you think a management service organization can help you, make sure you know exactly what details the contract includes. Know what the MSO will and won't take care of. There might be times when you may want to hire a management service organization on a short-term basis. A partnership with an MSO doesn't need to be permanent, so you need to know how to terminate the contract.